Re: Nicaragua policy and the DP and GOP cf. the volumnious tome by William LeoGrande published in paperback last year by Stanford Univ. Press. Masterful synthesis of archival, academic and journalistic sources. The older books by IPS staffer, Cynthia Arneson, on Contra Aid battles published by Pantheon, in the early 90's. And journalist, Roy Gutman's, "Banana Republic." The latter two focus a bit on intra-Democratic Party fights between left-liberals in the House of Reps. and neo-cons like Bruce Cameron who had been a lobbyist for the ADA and loons like the ex-Maoist, Robert Leiken, now writting a book on the US intelligentsia and the Nicaraguan Revolution.
And, this morning, saw in the NYT that the Sandinista candidate for Mayor in Managua won. Ad that to the Brazilian PT wining in Sao Paulo and a trend could be developing. Any thoughts on the Hugo Chavez trajectory, lbo'ers?
Michael Pugliese