President Gore

/ dave / arouet at
Fri Nov 10 11:10:27 PST 2000

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Prepare for a massive campaign, beginning as early as tonight, for a
> sense of national unity and purpose, of rallying behind the
> instiitutions of our great government which is a beacon unto the
> world, etc. etc.

Crisis? What crisis? The republic rolls on


> President Bill Clinton has congratulated both
combatants and spoken the civic obvious, as a president should: "After this, no American will ever be able to say again, 'My vote doesn't count.'"

And to watch Clinton in front of the helicopter that Nixon made famous, talking serenely about democracy in a warm Beltway breeze, was to remember that the true greatness of an edge-of-one's-armchair election night was that it wasn't a crisis at all. The Wednesday morning sun did not rise on a Gore victory, as the vice president had envisioned aloud; nor did it rise on a Bush one. But rise it did, on quiet streets and expectant water coolers and "breaking news" touts that wouldn't go away.

This is a distinctly American luxury. <


/ dave /

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