Eric the manly

W. Kiernan WKiernan at
Fri Nov 10 17:33:30 PST 2000

Brad DeLong wrote:
> It is true that Nader's net lifetime impact on social welfare has
> probably switched from plus to minus as a result of yesterday...

Nah, not yet at least. Sure the Moron is going to rob us all, but people usually survive robbery. Did you ever put your face through a car window? To put Ralph in deficit, first Pres GW will have to kill a few hundred thousand human beings, whom in the alternative case Pres Al would not have killed.

As the worst always seems to come to pass, maybe the impending Colombian War is a candidate for that? but with Duh-byuh, who knows? Possibly he'll spontaneously declare war against Grecia or Slovakia.

Yours WDK - WKiernan at concentric.nt

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