election demographics

W. Kiernan WKiernan at concentric.net
Fri Nov 10 18:14:31 PST 2000

Brad DeLong wrote:
> If you lived in Florida, I would say that your *individual* vote was
> *very* *very* substantial.

I live in Tampa, Florida. While for months I looked forward to voting for Nader a second time, I defected to the 'bot at the poll, mostly because personally the Moron makes me puke, even worse than Reagan maybe. But Nader didn't beat Gore here in Florida, Bush beat Gore. To blame this disgusting outcome on that tiny fraction of the public who are hardcore Naderites is absurd.

Why did Bush carry Florida? I work construction, and I talked to a few guys who voted the other day about this. There's this one specific reason that keeps on coming up, why so large a majority of them voted for the Moron, who's going to rob them blind. It is that "if Gore gets elected, he'll take away our guns." Hobbyists! Gun morons. Worthless shitheads. Sure, that obnoxious frat boy who can't read is going to liquidate all our retirement pensions and hand over the proceeds to millionaires, but if Gore gets elected, he'll take away my Pokemon cards! For another example my wife asked this acquaintance of hers why she voted for the Moron and was told she read in a handout at church that "if Gore gets elected, he'll let homosexuals get married."

It ain't Nader's fault; Gore got defeated by pure mass stupidity. Lay off Nader and go fix that.

Yours WDK - WKiernan at concentric.net

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