RNC impouds NM ballots

Rob Schaap rws at comedu.canberra.edu.au
Fri Nov 10 23:32:43 PST 2000

Hey - a lot of our people are back from East Timor, now. Gizza a whistle if yez could use a few blue helmets, eh? Their experience in East Timor has forged useful skills in the challenging task of restoring formal democracy in environments beset by indignant right-wing militias, institutional crisis, ruined infrastructure and polarised citizenries - and their experience as Australian citizens means they won't bat an eyelid if it comes to buttressing a government who lost a popular vote.

We might have to shoot a couple of people (but not very many), but we've a good medical corps (useful when the local health sector has been destroyed), a good public liaison unit (experienced at replacing destroyed schools and teaching the locals some English), and we bring our own beer.

We come cheap, too - the going price is half your oil fields ...

Cheers, Rob.

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