All is America, America is all!

M.J.Medjeral mario at
Sun Nov 12 02:44:06 PST 2000

While most (not all) discussions (and news) are centered in the narcissistic issue of who is going to govern the next 4 years the nation which sets the standards to the world, we had in Argentina, since 1989 the show piece of neo-liberal policies, heavy social unrest in various places of the country, within this week. In Tartagal, in the north, the un-employed put on fire the police and the council houses, after one demonstrator was shot. The country is going from one recession to the other, with un-employment running above 14%, the small bussiness base bankrupt, high taxation, public services cut to bare minimum (except for security and police services receiving ever higher assignments), everyting possible privatized and the nation sovereign debt increased from 65 billion in 1989 to now 145 billion. The President, in this new economic crisis (or is it an old one?) reacts with more fiscal adjustment ( 5 year freeze in public administration salaries, scrapping the last remaining public pension system, etc), of the many fiscal adjustments undergone in the last 10 years and receives a phone call from Mr Clinton assuring moral support. Believe it or not, Argentina (in spite of all this) was good investment for Wall Street and the other financial centres since 1989 and whatever happens now, if at all, will not cause them any loss. It was good business! What chances have countries, if they see that the neo-liberal system is un-sustainable, to change. This countries have mostly a political class which has been educated in the USA or were employed by the World Bank or some of their sattellite institutions. They have sold their soul and honestly they do not know otherwise. Where do you get the politician which is not ideologically blindfolded by the 'Empire'. In Argentina we reached the extreme that even the little remaining 'left' is part of the present government alliance. The un-employed picketeers are now (for them) not protesters but manipulated or terrorists!.

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