preliminary review

Tom Lehman TLehman at
Thu Nov 16 14:35:35 PST 2000

I got the AFL-CIO Labor 2000 preliminary review of the general election yesterday.

According to the AFL-CIO, union households composed 26% of the electorate. Union households voted 59% for Gore, 37% for Bush and 4% for others.

In AFL-CIO union member households, according to the AFL-CIO, Gore got 63% of the vote, Bush got 32% of the vote, Nader got 3%, and that means others got 2%.

So, it looks like Bush got a pretty good chunk of the union vote and well within the usual range, although somewhat on the lower end of what a Republican usally gets of the union vote.

Note to Seth & Co., Peter Hart's name was dropped in the review copy I got.

Tom Lehman

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