Vocal protesters swarm recount

/ dave / arouet at winternet.com
Sat Nov 25 03:21:35 PST 2000

Michael Pugliese wrote:

> P.S. and the swastikas...
> http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0047/ladd.shtml

The "American Friends of the British National Party" <http://www.americabnp.net/> referenced in the Voice article above is good for a laugh owing to the absurd philosophical foundation upon which they base their existence - the video "interview" on the site with founder Mark Cotterill explains it all, and the David Duke video excerpt is rife with inanities - but it's interesting that another short video, on the Palestinian situation, might well pass muster on a Lefty website with few if any modifications. Clearly it's a slick appeal to average US workers vis-a-vis their tax dollars washing over to Israel, but it explicitly cites US welfare cuts, African famine aid, and even the NEA budget in relation to annual aid to Israel and mentions many of the hot buttons in relation to Palestinian self-determination. Naturally the primary underlying motivation for this calculated presentation is left well out, but it's interesting to contemplate the strange left-right confluence it (ostensibly) represents - at least on the surface, motivation aside. And actually, I'm now wondering just where they might have sourced this. Does it look familiar to anyone?


/ dave /

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