Intellectual Pissing Contests

cleanbyrd 1 cleanbyrd at
Sun Nov 26 19:58:50 PST 2000

Why do I again subject myself to this atmosphere after being offline a year?

Because I have studied a little more, and have been exposed to some ideas new to me that I want to examine with others. Some of my newly aquired ideas remind me of discussions I once "listened" to on lbo-list.

Because there are very bright people on this list that often discuss relevant issues.

Because I learn a lot from "listening", and following through on leads to primary sources of information.

Because I learn how to argue. I witness the high art of rebuttling, even though it sometimes degrades into cruder flame war.

Bernice Johnson Reagon explained to me through one of her speeches that coalition is not necessarily a comfortable place. It's risky and dangerous.

It's where feelings tend to be hurt. However, the crisis is where the change comes from!

Every day I live, I become more aware of the complexity of humanity's challenges.

Every day I sadly accept that mere love, passion, and desire for change are not adequate.

What to do? Think globally, act locally?

I'd like to see the political system in the United States restructured. Not just the electoral college, and ballot restrictions, but the House and Senate too. How about PR for a change?

I think the American Political system is vunerable right now. Let's crumble it. Get em' while they're tying their shoes. HEE! HEE!

Just wishful thinking?

Jennifer Young _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :

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