NOW Legal Defense, co-counsel in the case, claims that the law is unconstitutional because it places a greater burden on men than on women in determining U.S. citizenship.
"This is a classic case of stereotyping in our society--the idea that nurturing a child is something that women do naturally but men do not," said Sherry Leiwant, senior staff attorney for NOW Legal Defense.
The NOW team sure has my support--about time--and I am especially glad a women's organization joined the legal fight. On the other hand their position against the idea that nurturing a child is something that women do naturally but men do not, might be a little weak here since in this particular case Dad raised a convicted sex offender--a result that doesn't argue well for Dad's nurturing abilities.
Never trust Dads home alone with their children. My ex didn't.
I could never figure out if it was the smoking, or the drinking, the drugs, foul language, pornography, radical politics, or my queer and/or disabled friends that worried her so much. What wasn't nurturing about any of those?
Chuck Grimes