You are right that Warren court 4A protections against search and seizure have been eroded alsmot to the point of nonexistence. --jks
In a message dated Tue, 3 Oct 2000 10:45:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Charles Brown" <CharlesB at> writes:
<< About all they could be saying was that a frisk is not a full search. I can't remember.
Since then, even the Fourth Amendment accomplishments of the Warren Court have been significantly obliterated.
>>> JKSCHW at 10/03/00 10:29AM >>>
Hey, that was the Warren court, allegedly the good guys. --jks
In a message dated Mon, 2 Oct 2000 5:23:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Charles Brown" <CharlesB at> writes:
>>> JKSCHW at 10/02/00 05:07PM >>>
CB: By the way, since probable cause is the constitutional standard, how is it that reasonable suspicion passes constitutional muster ?
Take it up with the Supreme Court, who said it was in Terry. --jks
CB: Yes, Stop and Frisk. Just seems a patently , logically wrong decision.
I ain't about to say anything to the Supreme Hoods.