econ nobel

Brad DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Oct 11 16:41:10 PDT 2000

>At 02:44 PM 10/11/00 -0700, Brad riposted:
>>Say, rather, that McFadden built a framework that you can use to
>>estimate what demand will be when people must make discrete
>>choices--whether to commute by car or by subway, for example. And
>>Heckman built a framework that you can use when you don't observe a
>>substantial chunk of your sample for reasons that depend on the
>>choices they do make.
>This was not the point I tried to make. I argued that for the most part
>the Nobel prize is awarded not for solving some pernicious technical
>problems, but because the solutions re-affirm conventional values or save
>politically correct theories from empirical refutation.

Well, this is a bad year to make that argument...

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