Modern John Brown: Herbert Aptheker

Michael Hoover hoov at
Fri Oct 13 23:33:50 PDT 2000

> >>> JKSCHW at 10/11/00 04:16PM >>>
> Myrdal's book is a great classic of sociology. I think he had great
> insights into race in America. You don't have to be radical to have
> insights (though it helps).
> (((((((((((
> CB: What were those great insights ?

Manning Marable's view is that Myrdal's study was both important and flawed. Former because it was challenge to racial inequality and latter because of its use of rigid/static *caste* that neglected black activism/struggle. One might also question M's reliance upon *assimilation* theory with history running from Robert Park (who was Booker T. Washington's secretary) through E. Franklin Frazier and Myrdal to Patrick Moynihan & Nathan Glazer. Of course, this view dominated liberal social science at the time. In any event, Myrdal thought circumstances were improving such that problem would be solved so no thought of militancy. Michael Hoover

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