After the Autumn of the Patriarch (was Re: New Economy, Mid East)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Sun Oct 15 16:40:52 PDT 2000

Hi Nathan:

>The whole analyze-the-process-but-don't-describe-the-goal line of socialist
>analysis has been one of the worst tendencies of the 20th century Left,
>since it ends up privileging horrendous means with no measurement of their
>value against the potential gains and goals.
>As for racism, to adopt a line of privileging only the decisions and
>viewpoints of the Palestinians, without regard to the decisions and
>viewpoints of Jews or others in the region is as racist and "potentially
>genocidal" as Israeli policy.

In the midst of NATO bombings of Serbia & Albanian exodus, a leftist (from England, if memory serves me right) on some list said that anti-nationalist Serbs & Albanians should work together, overthrow Milosevic & the KLA, fight imperialism, & build socialism with free development of each as the condition for free development of all. A marvellous goal, no? It leaves you completely speechless.

Means without goals lead to barbarism, as you argue; but goals without means are senseless, & senselessness contributes to ineffable horrors. Leftists in the West, in my opinion, have seldom suffered from the former but have been perpetually plagued by the latter.

I don't know where you are at (maybe you are also a big-city leftist), but think what you can do where you stand, realistically.


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