it's heating up

John Halle john.halle at
Tue Oct 24 20:46:15 PDT 2000

Hi Folks,

Our local Green party office is going to be picketed tomorrow (according to flyers) by a group which professes to want "to save the supreme court from Bush appointees" based on the premise that "Nader is endangering the Supreme Court and will bring Civil Rights back to 1950." Behind it, apparently, is a local attorney with close ties to Lieberman.

There have also been several reported incidents of Nader lawn signs having been stolen from front yards.

No doubt Nathan will sympathetic to the picketers. I wonder what side others would be on.

In any case, we hope the Gandhi's adage applies:

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



John Halle

Connecticut Campus Coordinator, Nader 2000 Treasurer, New Haven Chapter, CT Green Party

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