At the risk of being the burger in the bag at the drive-thru, what past or present political party that enjoyed some access to power wasn't compromised, meaningless, and evil?
Rather than focusing such much on the Dems, it would seem that they represent a relatively bumbling and fumbling defense against a several decades long onslaught of a conservative offensive. The republicans know how to use power more effectively than others, know how to cater to the baser angels of people's natures, and have an abilbity to lubricate their access to power better than anyone. I simply don't like Dubya but more I don't want the winds of change swirling round gumper spud from getting it all. This is a republican party that is poised for some perhaps real victories, learning from the foibles Reagan, Dad, Dole and Newt. Hell, they've managed to cop Clinton's gameplan for success.
Rehearsing the litany of Clinton/Gore or the whole gang's sins makes us stop and ponder our futility, but listening to Gumper Spud exhaust my supply of Prep H.
Dennis Breslin