santorum on gunz

kelley kwalker2 at
Fri Oct 27 15:20:18 PDT 2000

>One more point - why is that gun people are associated with the most
>obnoxious right wing politics?

oh my freaking god. i'm going to bang my head against a steel wall 20bizillion times. with ken, the magic number is 189, but with you wojtek, it goes right off the scale how many times i'd feel i had to beat my head in order to achieve some sort of parity in the experience.

firstly, black power movement. there are more examples.

but the more important issue is this and i've said this so many times before. if the lefty wasn't such a piece of crap about stereotyping "working class" rednecks, hicks, etc as solely the perpetrators of sexism, racism, bigotry....

if they're weren't such idiots about about seeing the same among their own kind...

if they could step inside the world of the white working class people they loathe and see it from a different perspective and really "get it" for a change instead of being arrogant..

if they would stop using the white working class as the "other" against which to define how superior they are in terms of attitudes toward race, gender, etc.....

then we might make some headway for a friggin change. but no, we have to flip out over guns as if they are the sheer unadulterated lone sole cause of violence and associated with sexism, machismo, bigotry, racism..... as if social life ain't just a lot more complex than that....

in doing that wojtek, you alienate those people. these are people who often have much more liberal, lefty views than you imagine.... but because lefties insist on portraying them like idiots, etc then you lose them.

listening to PBS a few years ago--that one exemplar of liberal media ostensibly. they went to 3 representative families and asked how they thought about the election. They went to the home of an upper middle class black family, a Hispanic teacher and his family. talked with them about what they thought of the president's speech or somesuch. interesting convos

Then they showed up in a BAR in an irish neighborhood in Boston.

fuckmedead. Then they blathered on about how everyone was drinking beer, gossiping, playing pool and the lotto and watching football while not listening to the pres.

this is what the liberal leftish media does day in and day out.

if you don't want a violent culture, deal with the other issues first.

there are reasons why people want to feel macho, etc in their lives. it is not CAUSED by those fucking guns. you're a sociologist and you should know that.


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