>I have written 11 books. Over the last few years, my earning have
>increased to
>about $2500 to $3000 per year. I am not complaining, but I don't
>think that it
>moves me many deciles.
>Mikalac Norman S NSSC wrote:
> > let's see, if society dumps IP, then i get all of Perelman's books for free
> > instead of paying outrageous prices at amazon and M.P. goes from the 1st
> > income decile to the 10th decile? that sounds fair to me.
The last I heard, Verso had yet to pay Michael Hoover & Lisa Stokes any royalty for _City on Fire: Hong Kong Cinema_. It may not have paid them yet. The lot of direct producers in the IP scramble is hard. Neither consumers nor corporations want to pay them well.