
Matt Cramer cramer at
Wed Sep 13 10:36:53 PDT 2000

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, kelley wrote:

> >Matt
> >
> >1. And in going to shite, there are increasing examples of what may be
> >called dick-slinging. However, also in going to shite, it has less and
> >less to do with the "scene". Its become mainstream, something suits care
> >about, something lusers have heard of. Just like Wired (*spit*). Hell,
> >even /. , sometimes.
> uhhh yeah. no dick slinging here.
> heh.

Yeah, but that's not my open-source dick, its my "I'm better than all those ankle-biters" dick. Just about any "expert" in a field waves that dick around.

> man, i wish someone besides yoshie would comment on how well i wield the
> lesbian phallus. i do it for the greater good an' all but sometimes a girl
> likes a little uhhhh stroking when it comes to phallus wielding.

I think I mildly flamed you once for incessant name dropping on dc-stuff. Name dropping is a kind of dick^H^H^H^Hclitoris slinging. :-)

> anyhooty, it's exactly my point: the professionalization of what was once
> a marginalized/underground culture is inevitable (woodchuck rant ring a
> bell?) with the expansion of the information
> society. wotevAyawannacallit. see david noble's _America By Design_
> regarding the same wrt engineers, the professionalization of engineers and
> the expansion of engineering 'culture' to become mainstream. see, too,
> turf wars over who is and is not an engineer and how to become one, who
> gets to be called a hacker. etc

Sure. The hacker/underground scene has a lot of dick-slinging, it always has. The "Computer Security Industry" has a lot more. Hell, look at the cDc - what'd they do - Back Orifice. 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o. They are hackers that think they are a rock band, and sling a allota dick to prove it (not that there's anything wrong with that). Most website defacements are nothing but dick-slinging. So is virus writing (sometimes).

I objected to the statement 'the open source movement is all about dick slinging'. That's absurd, for the reasons I mentioned. If you say "much of the computer 'culture', to the non-guru, is a bunch of dick-slinging" I'll agree. Anything predominately comprised of evil white males is dick-slinging, or so I'm told. :-)

But to people that use this stuff, and work on it, when you say "open source" we don't think Back Orifice, we think Samba. Or something like Venema and Farmer's CTK (Coroner's Toolkit). If it requires slinging dick to explain the purpose of these efforts, then I'm guilty wrt that, but only because I don't think I can explain it any other way.


-- Matt Cramer <cramer at> It's time to stop worshiping gods, and aim at becoming gods. It took four and a half billion years to produce this moment, and who's really awake yet?

-Markoff Chaney

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