>This is a great process for identifying the pet poodles of
>the Democratic Party's corporatist sponsors. The ad
>hominem stuff coming from them is outrageous. Imagine
>the reaction if some of it came back on them. Kissing ass
>is a career and a way of life for these people. Feminism,
>anti-racism, and anti-homophobia all pressed into service
>for free trade, public sector shrinkage, deregulation, and
>'welfare reform.' It's enough to make me go trot again.
Yeah, just mention Gloria Steinem's association with the CIA and she threatens to sue you!
Frances Stonor Saunders, author of the Cultural Cold War book, says she has oodles of stuff on Gloria's spooky associations, and is dying to publish them somehwere. Better not be in Britain, though, with those lovely libel laws.