>In supposedly purely technical places like bsdi-users ((dick
>wave alert: I've been on that list since BSD/OS was 0.3.3)) I
>have NEVER seen a political comment that didn't assume that the
>Free Market(tm) wasn't an unalloyed good. I have never seen a
>'liberal' political comment, never mind a socialist one.) This
>same thing is true of NANOG (one exception -- there is a Chomsky
>fan over there), smartlist/procmail, and basically any technical
>list I've ever been on where politics comes up. I will grant
>that many geeks don't think about politics much, but when they
>do most will spew some esr /John Gilmore/ Tim May bullshit.
So why are geeks such market-besotted libertarians? Because they're poorly socialized loners? What's the reason?