
Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at
Wed Sep 20 20:40:51 PDT 2000

> Lisa & Ian Murray wrote:
> >11. The Left Business Observer is read by the people who should never be
> >allowed to run any country
> ...unless they want to run it into the ground.
> Back during the '92 campaign, I ran into Andy Kopkind after a Jerry
> Brown rally in New York (a rally at which the Ramones provided
> musical entertainment, during which Joey Ramone declared: "I never
> fucking voted for anyone in my fucking life, but I'm fucking voting
> for fucking Jerry Brown, man!"). Andy, who along with colleague
> Alexander Cockburn was touting Jerry in the pages of The Nation at
> the time, told me (quoted from memory, sorry): "I don't like Jerry
> Brown. Never did. If by some accident he got the nomination, it would
> destroy the Democratic Party, and if by some accident he got elected
> president, he'd destroy the country. That's why I'm supporting him."
> Doug
========= Should we write in Brown then?


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