Spreading rumors

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Sep 28 01:38:31 PDT 2000

>doug asked originally if anyone had heard the rumor. no one seemed
>especially interested, as far as i could see. and aside from that,
>that there is such a rumor spreading is, in and of itself,
>interesting since rumors don't fly for no reason. rumors are
>indicators of something else and we could, possibly, engage in some
>interesting speculations in that regard--much as, i suppose,
>pugliese and i find paleoconservatives rumor mills regarding the New
>World Order fascinating for what they say about people's desire to
>explain what we otherwise refer to as capitalist domination, etc.

If you enjoy this sort of analysis (rumors as imaginary responses to the imaginary understanding of real problems), you should have come to M-Fem when fans of MacDworkin were going on about "snuff films." It's no fun trying to talk sense with them, though, as I said offlist.


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