The left: still dying (was Re: European Unions)

Dennis dperrin13 at
Sat Apr 7 08:45:34 PDT 2001

Chuck0 wrote:

> I have no idea academics are supposed to write books for, because I work
> out in the real world. The few times I've tried to read an academic book
> in the past ten years--I have a Masters degree mind youu--I gave up
> because the writing was incomprehensible.

But Chuck, don't you see? Turgid prose is part of the revolutionary process. Only true rads understand its meaning. The rest of us are, alas, mossbacks.

> The last time I talked to academics about the anti-capitalist movement
> was when I appeared with Doug before a meeting of the Marxist Literary
> Group. I left disappointed because they seemed really clueless and
> uninterested in my accounts of organizing the A16 protests.

What a surprise.

While I'm on this thread, I meant to compliment Doug yesterday for his ability to put complicated economic concepts into plain English. That is one of the reasons why I joined this list. I'm always learning from Doug, and it surprises me that he's so down on "simplicity." He's one of the few writers on the left who distills ideas so cleanly and clearly.


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