The left: still dying (was Re: European Unions)

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Mon Apr 9 14:57:27 PDT 2001

>>> carlremick at 04/07/01 08:51PM >>>
>From: Rakesh Narpat Bhandari <rakeshb at Stanford.EDU>
>>Carl writes:
>>>What I like best about Marx is that he was the last leftist
>>>scribbler really to scare the bejesus out of capitalists.
>As if Marx were our jesus who alone has been crucified? And Carl
>this claim reveals disturbing ignorance of the too many who have paid
>dearly for their scribblings and defiant voices, especially in the
>last half century as they challenged the neo fascist third world
>state as Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky and the late Eqbal Ahmad have
>characterized it.

Take it from me, Jan -- er, RB -- Marx was the last lefty to furrow a brow in a boardroom.



CB: I usually agree with Carl, but the last one to really make the bourgeoisie worry was Lenin.

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