> Michael,
> This isn't by any stretch my terrain of expertise, but ...
> ... that the allegations against Hitchens may or may not be
> true, and that Hitchens undeniably practices a shabby brand of
> palace intrigue journalism masquerading as critical thought,
> _does not_ mean that the jokers at "mediawhoresonline.com" are
> not shameless defenders of Clintonian corporate liberalism.
> Your post prompted me to visit their web site -- what a load
> of smug garbage. Their most stirring critique of the paleocons
> is that the Dow (and hence their mutual funds) has tanked since
> they usurped state power. (Oh, they also seem _embarrassed_ that
> the U.S. is now the "laughingstock of the world"). These self-
> righteous idiots do little other than confirm that Clinton loyalists
> are a bunch of navel-gazing bicoastal BMW drivers and chardonnay-
> sippers. The only public service they perform is to call a reactionary
> capitalist coup a coup and to remind us how narrow the political
> spectrum in this sorry-ass country is.
> Don't even get me started on how the Willie Brown and his hangers-on
> are launching an "identity politics"-type smear campaign against all
> genuinely left-wing criticims of their policies as being "racist" (did
> you see that outrageous hit piece by Hinckle in today's Examiner ?).
> John Gulick
> >Say it ain't so Hitch... www.mediawhoresonline.com
> >Peter Kilander, you still around? http://www.enteract.com/~peterk/
> >Speaking to the Judicial Watch convention, now this? Is this Stalinesque
> >fascist baiting? Defensiveness of a Liberal Democrat pissed at
> >for the book on the Clinton's?The book by Conason and Lyons has lotsa
> >on the Arkansas Project, should read now that it is pb. And a new book by
> >poli sci guy, Peter Merkl (expertise Euro far right), on the impeachment,
> >might have some useful data on Scaife. Seem to remember a good piece in
> >CJR,
> >"Citizen Scaife, " a while ago. Given the secretiveness of Scaife, and
> >he does not funnel his gazillions through orgs like 501(c)3's that gotta
> >file reports with State Secretaries of State and/or Charities watchdogs,
> >how
> >does one follow the $ ??? Manhattan Instutute appearance? Maybe, Michael
> >Tomasky has some juicy stuff on this?
> http://www.tnr.com/040901/crowley040901.html
>> >Michael Pugliese