Films from the Soviet Sixties

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Tue Apr 17 12:13:26 PDT 2001

>>> furuhashi.1 at 04/17/01 12:46AM >>>
Doug posted:

>If the American middle really is this blandly tolerant, who keeps
>electing all those yahoos to public office? Can't be the downscale -
>they don't vote; can't be the upper class - there aren't enough of
>them. Maybe behind the apolitical contentment lurks a lot more
>alienation and rage than Wolfe can see. But on the face of it, it's
>amazing how much his middle America sounds like, of all things, the
>USSR in its heyday, post-Gulag and pre-Gorby. Here's Henri
>Lefebvre's description of the moral code of Homo sovieticus from the
>early 1960s:
>"This code can be summed up in a few words: love of work (and work
>well done, fully productive in the interests of socialist society),
>love of family, love of the socialist fatherland. A moral code like
>this holds the essential answer to every human problem, and its
>principles proclaim that all such problems have been resolved. One
>virtue it values above all others: being a 'decent' sort of person,
>in the way that the good husband, the good father, the good workman,
>the good citizen are 'decent sorts of people....'"
>Change "socialist" to "American," and you've pretty much got it.
>Oxygen, please!

Hey, don't underestimate Homo sovieticus!

***** Films from the Soviet Sixties


CB: Ah , another specimen for the ANTI-Sovieticus pile. A many splendored thing this phenomenon is, as here: Arch-capitalist ,American, alienated thought and life is not a knock on capitalism and bourgeois society. No, of course not. It's actually that Soviet life has , somehow, won the Cold War and invaded the U.S. , despite all the newsreports to the contrary.

Remember antii-Soviet mantra: Anything wrong with capitalism is actually communism.

A vodka , please.

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