
Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sun Apr 22 17:44:07 PDT 2001

P.L. is a joke now, and for a time it was destructive. But in the mid '60s (though I did not think so at the time) PL was a positive force on the left. It was PL members who first brought a class perspective to SDS, and there are probably still a scattering of leftists around who (though never associated with PL) were positively influenced by it. Much of the early anti-PL hysteria in SDS was not based on what even then were its real deficiencies but was simple reflex anti-communism. That is how I came to regard my own acceptance at the time of the attacks on PL. And the walk-out led by Bernadine Dohrn at the '69 SDS convention was (in retrospect) sheer sectarianism and utterly unprincipled. It was that walk-out more than the PL victory that destroyed SDS.


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