"Mirror, Mirror On The Wall Who Is The Most Right-Wing Of All?"

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Thu Aug 2 09:22:27 PDT 2001

Re:Zionism, yeda, yeda.. And you run interference for them. When (and where) will attachment to right wing ideology end?

- -Brad Mayer

Heh, at least Brad Meyer, didn't say, your attachment to RW ideology..." or say like Proyect that I'm a , "pimp, prostitute and punk, " (talk about decentered, contradictory identity formations! Punk as in prison slang, not punk as in the Sex Pistols, methinks, Lou[py] meant...) and , "killed Rosa and Karl and Julius and Ethel, " or like Mine Doyren, "Michael, must be an Agent Of American Intelligence!" on wsn list.

To go back to my more serious mode though, others over the years in political meetings that have expressed frustration at mainstream media representations of foreign conflcts, and I've rejoindered with an argument like what Michael Kazin gave in reviewing Chomsky & Herman 2 vols. of which the the first vol. was, "The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, " in Socialist Review at the time it was published. Briefly, that while their "propaganda model" gets at the major material and ideological set of influences that generate and reproduce narrative frames that reflect and reproduce dominent political economic and geo-strategic interests of the Empire, I don't think that the model (just like simplified versions of Frankfurtish Kultur Industry thesis or the Partisan Review authors like Dwight Macdonald as reflected in the classic anthology on Mass Culture ed. by Bernard Rosenberg in the 50's published by the "Free Press of Gencoe, IL.) can get at the stresses and points of contradiction which break through when ruling class consensus is riven in such periods as the late 60's over Vietnam, or today, when, there is not a Unified Front of support for Israeli repression within the policy planning foreign policy elites, think tankdom, and the major newspapers like the Post and LAt and NYT. When there is, as in the Vietnam example, substantial movement from below (masses in the street) and division within the liberal sectors of Democratic Party opinion, which break towards "dovish" positions ("cut and run" "Negotiations Now") in an attempt to forestall deepening of mass radicalization from below which moves beyond blathering about "mistakes" or, "If Only The Czar or LBJ Knew..." I don't have as much faith in analysis which paints in pictures redolent of imagery of Tools and such.

Don't expect that Brad or Johanna or others firmly in the "anti-Zionist" camp here, will like what Max or Nathan or I might call nuance. Expect they'll call it self-delusion!

And, btw, looking forward to Yoshie's presentation of when and why and when certain national lberation movements are reflective of true working class interests and when not. It was easy for me to support the FDR-FMLN or FSLN in the 80's, or as a very young kid in 1970 to look at admiration at a hippie waving the NLF flag on the steps of the US Capitol at a March of the Mobe, but, as I get older, my skepticism about "Leninist" cant grows, sometimes pushing me towards "autonomist" marxist positions, other time towards, a sigh, resigned left socdemrevisionist p.o.v., other times towards a neo-Trot position, other times towards Rosa's rejection of nationalism.

Michael Pugliese, Devil's Advocate for Social Imperialist Confusionism and Petty-Bourgeois Diversionism! (Member of the Second a half International, Otto Bauer Dept. Descendent of Eduard Benstein.) ;-( ;-) Think Dr. Lukacs and Dr. Gramsci have a pill for that?

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