Why Boomers suck, or, commodify your self-loathing

Ian Murray seamus2001 at home.com
Tue Aug 7 08:52:41 PDT 2001

> Ian Murray wrote:
> >Who's Mike Males?
> Males writes lots of articles & books, most of which are devoted to
> rightly denouncing the war on youth and the demonization of their
> habits. Unfortunately, though, he's also denounced overspending on
> the elderly, as if every dollar spent on geezers is taken from the
> kids. Claims like "the Feds spend $7 on seniors for every $1 they
> spend on kids and youth" feed right into the generational warfare
> paradigm.
> Doug
========= I got my number from Congressional testimony.

Well didn't social security get started partly because too many older workers were staying in the labor force for 'too' long, and coupled with lack of job growth, severely crimping opportunities for new workers? And what about all those seniority perks at work, who's idea was that? Isn't it funny we hear of the boomer's complaining about young whippersnappers comin' in and taking their job a fraction of the salary? And isn't there just a little bit of an age bias in the power structure of capital, gerontocracy/oligarchy jokes and all that? I'm not advocating generational warfare by any means, but there does seem to be something to conflicting time preferences that don't necessarily map well onto class interests. How would we overcome this? More life cycle research?


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