Thomas Seay:
> Oh yeah, sure. I am sure that a lot of young girls
> think, well, instead of watching tv today, I think
> I'll go and have an abortion instead...just for the
> experience of it.
> I would like to know just exactly what would qualify
> as a trivial reason for having an abortion.
_Trivial_ is, of course, relative and subjective, so the cheap shot is mine. I'll pass it up for a slightly more expensive shot.
The other day, as I was hangin on da street (actually, I was coming home from work, but I'd slowed up for a moment) one of my fellow slum-dwellers, a 32-year-old man who is probably retarded, can't read, can't hold even a simple job, is effectively homeless, and has other problems, told me that he thought his girlfriend was pregnant, and that his 15-year-old son (he has managed to reproduce before -- more than once) had also gotten _his_ girlfriend pregnant. He sighed.
"Well, there are ways to prevent that sort of thing, you know," I jovially replied.
"Yeah, I know, but, like, _you_ know.... well, maybe she'll get rid of it. I dunno. I think the clinic on Bay Street's closed for the summer.... [shrugs] Could you let me have five? I need to buy some cigs."
Of course I didn't speak to the girlfriend yet. But I've got a certain feeling about this situation.