[marxist] Re: South African car worker's strike continues

Johannes Schneider Johannes.Schneider at gmx.net
Tue Aug 14 16:01:21 PDT 2001

Here is the key passage from the NUMSA statement on the threats to shift the production: "Secondly, the union is taking the threat made by the CEO seriously. We believe that such statements are irresponsible and mischievous. We are worried that they want to turn German workers into scab labours by doing the work of South African workers. Considering the proud history of the German workers and their contribution to the anti-apartheid struggle, we doubt whether they will agree to the scab arrangements. Our sister union, the I.G Metal and the International Metalworkers Federation (IMF) support the current strike action to better wages because of fear that auto companies will shift production to lower wage countries like South Africa. Over and above the union has written a letter to the IMF to discuss with the German Metalworkers union what action to take to prevent the shifting of production." Full text: http://www.cosatu.org.za/press/2001/NUMSA_on_the_Motor_strike--13911.html

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