WB on its critics

Brad DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Sun Aug 19 22:07:21 PDT 2001

>David Hearne wrote:
>>Curiously enough, isn't it the perceived "cosmopolitanism" and
>>"cultural cross-pollination" (real or not) which partially drives
>>right-wingers like Pat Buchanan against NAFTA?
>Absolutely. He's written lurid stuff about Haitans playing the drums
>on the streets of his hometown, Washington. His pals at Chronicles
>write about all the animists and primitives invading our shores.
>This is what the paranoia about Mexican trucks is all about.
>On cross-pollination: At an opening at the aboriginal arts center in
>Adelaide, Australia, a couple of weeks ago, we heard an aboriginal
>man playing guitar with a karaoke-style tape in the instrumental
>background singing "Okie from Muskogee." Aborigines love American
>country music.

The guitar? Not the didjederoo?

And let me hasten to defend our brothers and sisters the Teamsters: opposition to Mexican trucks is 80% fear of low-wage competition, 19% genuine fear about maintenance standards, and 1% Buchanan-style fear of the wogs...

Brad DeLong

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