
Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sun Aug 26 13:56:51 PDT 2001

Max Sawicky wrote:
> >> Without question, there was at least one point (note
> that Goodwyn's book title refers to the "populist *moment*")
> when souther populists were in explicit alliance with
> blacks. You can find stirrring rhetoric by Tom Watson
> of Georgia in this regard, although he later turned into
> his opposite. Although short lived, this was, I submit,
> a very brave thing to do at that time and in that place.
> Therefore very interesting and important from our vantage
> point. That alliance probably lasted longer than the
> Paris Commune.

There is enough of a scattering of such kind of history in the South (and in the North), often aborted by leaders rather than by white rank-and-file, to give some inkling of hope for the future! Not wholly irrelevant here is the fact that one of the elements of the anti-war movement that lasted longest was the ATM, the Latino Moratorium. Actions / movements initiated and large led by non-whites have the best chance of actually being multi-"racial."



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