Israel Cabinet 7 for and 7 against toppling Arafat....plusIsrael Turns Palestinian Towns into Prisons

Nathan Newman nathan at
Tue Dec 4 17:16:03 PST 2001

---- Original Message ----- From: "Peter K." <peterk at>
>>The question is what to do when you have a
>> minority of public support? How do you expand it?

-Could one take the 1980s anti-apartheid movement as a model? -I was too young at the time to be involved.

Hardly- no one favored the Apartheid regime, even officially the Reagan administration, who argued that they wanted "constructive engagement" to force them to make concessions to the black majority. The Reagan administration spent most of the decade trying to hold off and/or threaten vetos against escalating sanctions against the Apartheid regime.

Which is radically different from the billions of dollars given Israel with zero sanctions of any kind, just the occasional withdrawal of a hanging carrot for short periods.

-- Nathan Newman

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