
Charles Jannuzi jannuzi at
Fri Dec 7 00:16:28 PST 2001

I wrote
>>My philosophy of social science might >>be more akin with biological
>>reductionism, which we find even in >>post-structuralism.

And Kelley asserted

>nice assertion, maybe you could stroke >it a little instead of just
>it out there.

I thought that was what you were doing for me, but of course your stroking is like your swallowing, metaphorical only. However, nowhere did I assert a law in any scientific or structuarlist sense that I know of. Should we review that point with some examples?

Thanks anyway for giving me your take on Durkheimian organicism. Again, I accept organicist metaphors as ways of describing a state, a people, a culture, etc. And that is about it for me.

Charles Jannuzi

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