Shaw on Herman

Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Sat Dec 15 11:14:26 PST 2001

You said:

However, I was
>attempting (rather poorly, I guess) to point out how little sense it makes
>to call an intra-country conflict between two incredibly mismatched sides a
>"civil war." The KLA, IRA, Hamas etc. are pitiful organizations that
>couldn't wage war if they wanted to.

I mentioned:

the Rwandian genocide, but maybe that
> > a war. I guess it wasn't.
>Why not? I'm sure some of the Tutsis who were being slaughtered retaliated
>occasionally, perhaps even with small arms.

The answer is what you said above. Even if some Tutsis grabbed a gun or a rock and fought back, that doesn't make it a war when there isn';t even a prospect of a militarized conflicts by states or for state power. Btw, I don't think the IRA, Hamas, or or the KLA are so pitiful; the IRA and Hamas are still here after all these years and serious efforts to destroy them. What's going on in the Occupied Territories is surely a war, even if a grostesquely mismatched on.


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