Cockburn on "crackpot realism"

Chris Kromm ckromm at
Sun Dec 23 17:29:16 PST 2001

>YES -- and populists are reactionary elements which must be opposed at
>turn, and environmentalists are dangerous tools of the bourgeouisie. No
>wait -- that's *Henwood's* sectarianism, sorry.

Did I say that? Populists must be opposed at every turn? And that enviros are dangerous tools of the bourgeoisie? To learn this on the same day I learned that Negri was a pessimist do-nothing, wow, I'm just brimming over with holiday-season gratitude.

Yours in sharpening the distinctions, Doug

* * *

I prefer "heightening the contadictions," but I feel ya.

Did you say that stuff, besides implying it? Probably not. But I also don't think Cockburn ever said "The ACLU and the Nation are the enemy, and deserving of nothing but withering scorn. And the New Deal is indistinguishable from Mussolini's fascism" either. Hyperbole and putting words in other peoples' mouths -- you can't have it both ways, dude.

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