Truly the words of a truly sick and malignant fuck.
Killing a lot of dishwashers, cooks, janitors, secretaries, travel agents--and a few bond traders--is not doing anything "unto Empire." It is murdering a lot of dishwashers, cooks, janitors, secretaries, travel agents, and a few bond traders.
> re-create and resuscitate in my own mind, a world of the
>best that my culture has managed to produce in its arts, sciences,
>philosophies, and technology---and keep this imaginary world clearly
>separated from the absurdly evil and destructive processes of Empire
>that surround me in my own absolute isolation--in something like the
>alternate underground community in the tech-noir film, Fahrenheit
>Chuck Grimes
IMHO, at least, Ray Bradbury's novel _Fahrenheit 451_--from which a so-so movie was made--is indeed one of the best creations of twentieth century world culture. 451. The number is important...
Brad DeLong