Deporting Albanians from Germany

Joanna Sheldon cjs10 at
Fri Feb 2 13:20:51 PST 2001

>In Canada, Australia or the United States, he said, immigrants "were
>wanted and needed to civilize the country." But Germany, he suggested,
>was in danger of losing its civilization by becoming a place where people
>of different cultures lived beside each other with no binding thread.

A new note in the old refrain: die Deutschen sterben aus (Germans are dying out), the wanted thread, of course, being German ancestry.

But we colonials, I guess we're not quite there yet, civilisationwise. A dose of Olde Blood, any old blood, will do us darkies good.

How fascists do reveal themselves! -- and, plus ça change, fer chrissake, plus c'est la même chose.

Enough to make the blood run cold.


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