Lynsenkoism? a/k/a Lysenkoism

Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Wed Feb 7 07:51:11 PST 2001

Michio Kaku is a pretty hard leftie. J.D. Bernal--there's a new bio of him out--was a commie. Stephen and Hilary Rose in England are leftie science writers. There was a mag in the 1970-80s called Science for the People' my physics prof at Michigan, Dan Axelrod, was on the editorial collective, that ran leftie science stuff. --jks

>CB: I don't have any illusions about this. Read up on it in _The
>Biologist_ by Marxist biologists Levins and Lewontin, and maybe you will
>lose some of your confusion. Half the URL you put out are by crackpots. Is
>this one one of those ?
>Heh, only half?
>Nah, that URL was offered in
>all seriousness.
>My reading up on science topics could use some encouragement, btw.
>(I have to suppress a chuckle when I see quantitative articles in the AJS
>APSR in Soc. or Political "Science" belaboring the obvious behind loads of
>the higher math. Of what use was that stuff to a Mills, Merton or Dahl?
>Though if I could understand P. Sraffa...
> hmm, Witgenstein &
>Sraffa...well what the hey cf. "Wittgenstein and Marxism, " edited by Gavin
>His book, "Rethinking Socialism, " was a good read.)
>Besides Levins & Lewontin, who I haven't read, offhand I can only think of
>Stephen Jay Gould as on the left.
>Any recommendations, lbo'ers on science writers who are lefties? As a kid,
>loved a book, "Mathematics for the Millions, " which I gather was written
>a Popular Frontist in the 40's. And Verso (?) has a new bio of J.B.S.
>Michael Pugliese

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