>I just read where Billy Tauzin, the repug point man on telecom
>deregulation in the House, says that the two states the FCC okayed for
>local competition, New York and Texas, are models for the rest of the
>country. As he puts it, "once people knew approval was coming, local
>competition took off like a rocket." Somehow I missed this. I don't
>believe I've gotten so much as a single piece of junk mail offering me an
>alternative local phone provider. Does anyone know the names of these
>supposed hotrocket competitors? Or is this just a Big Lie?
Well, there's this little local alternative telecom provider called AT&T, for one. They've got ads on bus shelters all over Manhattan. More info at <http://www.att.com/local_service/ny/>, though it all seems pointless to me.