Break the cycle of dependency - Just Say No

Nathan Newman nathan at
Fri Feb 23 21:41:46 PST 2001

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Robert Redmond" <dredmond at>

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Nathan Newman wrote:
> And yet the Greens ran her against a liberal Democrat talking about just
> such "obvious" divisions.

-She ran herself, from my understanding, on a shoestring budget and with -the help of community activists, against a do-nothing Dem who couldn't be -bothered to do any campaigning.

This story I know well, since some of my best friends were running her campaign. And her campaign was run by the East Bay Green Party very clearly. She was asked to run by the party; she did not run herself.

That is why folks felt so betrayed when she left the party.

>I can understand why she drifted to the
>Dems, because otherwise, she would've been completely shut out of the
>committees and decision-making in Sacramento, but this is something to be
>remedied by an independent Left party. The long-term goal would be to
>attract honest Dems to drift to some sort of Green-Labor alliance.

I don't disagree with that. It already exists- it's called the Progressive Caucus in Congress.

-- Nathan Newman

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