Ashcroft & Race

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Wed Jan 3 15:03:54 PST 2001

I would use the confirmation process to ventilate the major race issues, and use Ashcroft as the poster boy. He is surely wrong on all of them.

I would start with those which I think have the best political impact, in descending order, and stay with a few of them. Just keep pounding away:

* Incarceration rate/failed drug war/race profiling * Unequal protection of the right to vote * Our Confederate "heritage" * Capital punishment of innocents/racial disparities/

adequate public defender services

I think affirmative action is less important than these others to the working class, which is admittedly easy for me to say, and has less political juice.


I think you were right earlier -- the Judge White example *is* a media vulgarization (nice word...). In most of the press releases and other documents put forward by groups opposing Ashcroft, I haven't seen it brought up once. So the question is, how do we get back "on message"? CK

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