Dude, Where's My Party?

Dennis Robert Redmond dredmond at efn.org
Thu Jan 4 17:39:00 PST 2001

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Patrick Bond wrote:

> Is that right? When I was in Frankfurt a month ago, I got the
> distinct impression that the Greens had moved into neolib land on
> macroeconomics.

Ah, Bankfurt. The thing is, the Greens are very diverse, a wide range of folks with different opinions, some of which would be music to the ears of Wim Duisenberg, others of which would give Jurgen Schrempf a heart attack. The Greens are also very localized, I remember the Ba-Wu university activists from Freiburg, who had one milieu, and the Berlin activists, who had this totally different perspective (squatting, an austerity-mad city government, etc.). The Euroleft is just beginning to discover the virtues of Eurokeynesianism, that polite synonym for soaking the Euro-rich and spending on the rest of the planet.

> Then on arriving back in SA, I asked what Heinrich Boell Stiftung
> (the Green development aid funder) was doing, and learned that
> without warning they had just pulled the rug out from under the best
> anti-neolib activist groups in South Africa (Campaign Against
> Neoliberalism in South Africa and Anti-Privatisation Forum).

Damn, that sucks. Anyone know anything about this?

-- Dennis

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