
Leslilake1 at Leslilake1 at
Tue Jan 9 20:10:42 PST 2001

Some questions, if anyone cares to respond...

1. What was the extent of David Horowitz's leftish background? Is there

any particular story on his move to the right?

2. Does John Ashcroft have ties to the KKK, or is this a liberal canard?

3. Has anyone read "How to Watch TV News?" (Neil Postman) If so, how is the topic of "watching the news" approached in the book?

4. Does anyone have a succinct answer to the question below (from an email correspondent) (I have long-winded answers that I know will be unconvincing to my conservative correspondent...)

<<This whole business connection with the media that people are talking about has me a little bit confused...I tend to think of business as rather neutral, but more conservative because I think they benefit from conservative fiscal policy. But certainly neutral on social issues in general. Business operates with it's own best interest in mind even more than the rest of us. That's why I can't see why there should be any real connection between these huge corporations that own the major networks and the fact (I certainly see it as a fact) that the TV news personalities are clearly liberal and taint the news in that way. How do these corporations benefit from that in either the short run or the long run?>>

5. Is the idea of public challenges to the existing media framework (say, the provisions of the 1996 telecommunications bill) totally quixotic?

Thanks, Les

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