law of value and caring (jim o'connor)

Barbara Laurence cns at
Wed Jan 24 18:14:20 PST 2001

Charles, yes caring labor is necessary to reproduce laborpower which the next day is exploited, i.e., is non-caring labor. A process whereby caring labor is transformed into uncaring labor. On caring labor see articles by John Clark and Alan Dordoy/Mary Mellor (CNS, issue 43, June, 2000). John is working with a more cultural concept of caring labor; Alan and Mary a more materialist concept. My favorite article on the subject was written by a German woman maybe 15-20 years ago, name and title forgotten. In a nutshell, her thesis is that what women produce in the household is affect. But affect is produced within a very narrow frame of production relations, the house, four walls, the husband, maybe a child or two. Hence is repressed in various ways. Here the relations of (re)production crimp the development of the forces of (re)production (the production of affect). The result in this account isŠ.anger.

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