hitting the ground running

Eric Beck rayrena at thing.net
Fri Jan 26 09:12:05 PST 2001

Michael Pollak wrote:

>First day, rescind abortion, second day, push through vouchers, third day,
>rescind the generic drug exception. Before getting into office: use
>recession to sell estate tax cut, use california power debacle debacle to
>justify opening the Alaskan reserves.
>These motherfuckers have really hit the ground running.

If the Bushies learned anything from Clinton, then I think Steve Perry's prediction would still apply: Appease the base early in your term--for Clinton, promoting gays in the military and universal healthcare; for Bush, throwing bones to the Christian right and to the oil and pharmaceutical companies--then move steadily to the right (or center in Bush's case). It's a brilliant strategy, but we'll see if Bush has the ruthlessness and complete lack of loyalty to pull it off.


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