The Beam in the Eye of the Empire (was Re: Kosova Redux)/RE: Kosova Redux

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Mon Jan 29 20:02:51 PST 2001

>a large spectrum from neo-fascists like the Radicals in Seselj's
>party (Yoshie, you missed the almost permanent presence of these
>thugs in one of your posts on the SSP/JUL), "moderate" nationalists
>like that clown Draskovic, social democrats and liberals like Vesna
>Pesic, the "Red Bourgeoisie" in the JUL, and splinter groups from
>the SSP(?) like this new group...

You mean the kinds of political beings who should have been locked up or kicked out? Under Tito & the Old Partisans, these sorts -- be they Serbs, Albanians, or any other nationalities -- often faced one of the above fates (_or worse_ during or near the end of the Second World War). Those were the days...but today we live in the post-Socialist/post-Social Democratic era: the era of Regress. The capitalist world economy creates more and more of them, every day, in rich & poor nations. The Bretton Woods institutions & the SAPs should take a special credit for producing reactionary nationalisms on the periphery & semi-periphery. What is the most dangerous, though, is imperial-nationalism at the core -- especially the USA -- from Pat Buchanan to Bill Clinton to Ralph Nader to garden-variety liberals & social democrats here; but American leftists can't see the beam in their own eyes.


Lock 'em up and kick 'em out! Yup, that's a good socialist pluralist logician in there! ;-) Some faith in the ability of the masses who supposedly will make socialism to figure out things themselves w/o some Party with a direct line to The Truth. I never made it all the way through Lukacs_History and Class Consciousness_ relied on secondary sources like Arato and Breines and Agnes Heller, Ferenc Feher and M. Vajda, but I lost faith a long time ago in an adage of Trotsky's that the Party Is Always Right. And faith that the "Scientists" with their diamat textbooks had some method that obviated skeptical questions about their epistemological correctness. Oh well, at least you recognize, the reactionary nationalists among the "opponents" of the NWO. Your confreres at L-I like Stainsby and lack even the historical sense that you have from deep study. And a sense of irony, no? Me, I'm too weighted down with doubts planted by Niebuhr and his ilk. (ILK ALERT DEFCON 3, Carrol Cox, notified) And a Catholic childhood. Not exactly like Mary McCarthy's. A bit more downscale. Harumph, Michael Pugliese

P.S. I'll think over Seth's reply in this Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 20:01:02 -0500 From: Seth Ackerman <SAckerman at> Subject: RE: Kosova Redux

He makes some very valid points re: the Europeans, the Vance Plan, and the State Dept. W/O wanting to read Warren Zimmerman, Lord Owen or Richard Holbrooke memoirs, I'll more than accept his summary. The whole mess has lots of bad faith and bloody hands all around. Which probably sounds like a weaselly liberal "everyone is guilty" Original Sin kinda line.

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