Defining Fascism

Brad DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Jul 1 12:33:47 PDT 2001

>One important element missing in Brad's helpful description is the very
>significant role given to the superior individual and leader of the Volk.
>Fascism and National Socialism are at one and the same time an attempt to
>restore some type of organic unity to the people under a "natural" superior
>leader who exemplifies the Volk in word and deed and a rejection of
>collectivism either of the communist type or even of bourgeois democracy.
>Democracy results in the triumph of the mediocre and the suppression of the
>superior and natural leaders of the Volk. The mass man of bourgeois
>democracy is the antithesis of the genuine authentic individual. Hence the
>appeal of Nazism to a philosopher such as Heidegger
>Cheers, Ken Hanly

Very true. Very nicely put...

Brad DeLong

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